My nSTAFF-McDermott_Mindi 2015ame is Mindi McDermott. I was hired in August, 2015 as the Faith Formation Assistant.  As Faith Formation Assistant, I process registrations for Fall and Summer Faith Formation Programs, as well as for Vacation Bible School.  I can be found at all three Faith Formation sites, Epworth, Farley and Peosta while the programs are running.  I help with the Confirmation and 1st Eucharist sacramental programs and retreats.  In addition, I interact with and support the pastorate families through emails and letters.

Before working for St. Elizabeth Pastorate, I worked in banking for 11 years and prior to that, I worked in retail for 15 years.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading, crafting and walking.  As a member of the Epworth Garden Club, I help take care of the flower beds at the Gateway coming into Epworth and the flower pots on Main Street and other well-traveled areas around Epworth.  I am also on the Park Board for the City of Epworth.